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Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Monkey junk

So I'm buying groceries last night, and I decide I want some variety of nut to snack on while around the dorm. I see bags of hazelnuts, pistachios, you know...the usual suspects. Well, up on the top shelf I see a picture of peanuts emblazoned on a large bag. I reached out for the bag, and yet I paused, hand half-outstretched. Whatever could cause a person to hesitate when reaching for the nutty goodness that is the hallmark of peanuts? Well, I saw that the bag was actually labeled "monkey nuts". I felt like I was on the set of some bad sequel for Planet of the Apes: "YOU MANIACS. YOU BLEW IT UP. DAMN YOU. GOD DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL. GIVE US BACK OUR PEANUTS!!"


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