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Sunday, April 16, 2006

I'm on the Beeb

I went to St. Paul's , one of London's two most famous churches (Westminster Abbey being the other), for Easter Mass yesterday, in part because I occasionally enjoy going to church services in impressve venues, and also partly as penitence for something that happened while I was walking around central London on Saturday. It's a mildly ugly incident, and not one that is particularly flattering to me, so into the "Vault of Shame" that one goes for the time being.

On the walk to St. Paul's Cathedral, I was stopped by a reporter asking about the image of Americans abroad. Apparently, he was with the BBC, so I ended up giving this long-winded answer about how I haven't really encountered any anti-Americanism, and that many of the acts that people see that contribute to the "Ugly American" stereotype might more properly be classified as simply the barely controlled behavior many people tend to exhibit when they are away from home and on vacation anywhere.

I have to admit that I feel a little bit classier now that I'll be appearing on the estimable old Beeb, and I admit it gave me a bit of a spring in my step on Easter. That spring, I'm embarassed to admit, lasted only a few hours, as I managed to somehow roll my ankle while jogging across the street in an effort to beat oncoming traffic. Now my left ankle is sprained, and I look like a colossal jackass for pulling up with a game leg on a completely flat and smooth section of pavement.


At 2:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can top that one! It happened at the start of last semester...I stopped at 7-11 to buy a Snapple on my way to class one night. All seemed to be well as I exited the store, Snapple in hand, until I stepped down off the four inch curb into the parking lot and sprained my ankle!! I went down and as I fell my left hand smashed to the ground. Unfortunately for me the glass Snapple bottle was between my hand and the pavement. I ended going to ER instead of class and the next afternoon I actually had to have a minor surgery to remove glass from my palm! I have since avioded that 7-11 store and purchasing beverages in glass containers! Pathetic!


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