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Friday, June 15, 2007

Reversing the atrophy

Preposterously lazy, I believe, is how I've often been described. Spectacularly slothful would be fitting as well. Nothing I've done has proven those descriptions inapt, at least not recently. But a shocking turn of events has revealed something akin to a work ethic inside, apparently long dormant but assumed dead. I started my new job in Utah this week, and it has really given me some motivation to get much accomplished. Wednesday, for instance, was stunning for me. I got up at 7 to help my mom get to the airport, drove to work (where my sister had left her car after getting a flat) and changed a tire, worked out at the company gym for an hour, worked for eight hours, stayed in the building for lunch to work on a paper I need to finish, and then finally got home and jogged for a few miles before doing some more school reading before bed.

If this sounds anything like the Andy you have long known, then you have a much higher estimation of me that I thought.


At 11:13 PM, Blogger Jim said...

I don't have a higher estimation, I think you are probably not feeling up to par. You should go see a doctor for this ailment.


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