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Saturday, March 24, 2007

Segregation works

The weather is unseasonably warm here in Idaho, and I'm reminded of last summer in London when it was unbearably hot for weeks on end, when riding the Tube became a gamble for life and olfactory safety. There isn't any air conditioning on the London underground, and given the vastness and age of the system, various lines will be broken down during different parts of the day, meaning it is entirely possible that one can be stuck on a 100 degree train deep under the earth for some time. Even if you aren't stuck for an extended period, one faces the problem of people who don't seem cut out for this sort of climate. Let's just say they are flowers, blooming into fragrant goodness in the summer sun, but instead rot like fetid garbage.

After one trip on the Tube I declared to some people that I was coming out as a full proponent of segregation: from now on, there would be "Stinky/Non-Stinky" carriages on the system. "No Stinkers Allowed" signs, coupled with visual aids like crossed-out stick figures with stink lines rising from them, would make it clear to anyone they need to step aside. My friend quickly seized on this opportunity to blackmail me, holding me for ransom over the quote "I'm in favor of segregation", but I'm taking the opportunity to clear up any confusion and get in front of this nascent scandal in case I ever run for office (county coroner, maybe?).

Recently I had a run-in with some foodstuffs that caused me to again come out in favor of segregation of items. Have you ever had chocolate covered fruit? You know, it comes in a bin and there are various sizes and colors of candy coating over the chocolate, each which identifies it as strawberries, blueberries, etc.? I had grabbed some of these, and had also picked up my daily vitamin pill, and was walking down the stairs to use the computer. Absentmindedly I popped in my vitamin and bit down; I think I should make it clear that my vitamins are the big, fluid-filled ones. Once my teeth pierced the soft gel coating, the innards sprayed out every which way. I can't recommend staying away from tasting the inside of a vitamin strong enough.

So, everyone, let's keep our vitamins and candy separate, yeah?


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