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Friday, June 22, 2007

My crushes of the moment

Okay, so the first of these ladies I've had a crush on for a while, but it is time she got her proper due on my blog. First up, the incomparable Goldfrapp:

Second, the girl from the Beta Band's video for Human Being:

Now that's a spicy meatball. Incidentally, my sister claims the last time she was visiting my dad in the hospital in Utah, his nurses were replicants from movie hospitals, as she described them all as being Swedish buxom babes. If this is remotely accurate, I genuinely wish I were sick.


At 8:41 AM, Blogger brian said...

You would think that posting videos with women in them would make you less gay, but then....

At 3:02 AM, Blogger YMMV said...

Yeah, the garbage bin scene at the end of Goldfrapp's video is pretty gay, so I did hesitate putting it up, with my reputation being what it is.


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