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Monday, October 10, 2005

Pocatello hearts Guinness

I just got back from spending four days in Dublin, home to Guinness beer (among other things, but this story is about beer, so bear with me.) On Saturday I took the Guinness factory tour, a multimedia event that spreads out over 7 stories on a hill overlooking Dublin. About halfway through the tour I overheard two people say what I thought was the word Idaho. Moving in closer, I was more sure I heard them say Pocatello, and when I finally stood next to them, I distinctly heard one of them say his dad works for AMI. Naturally, I butt in and ask if they were talking about "the 'tello", and sure enough they were.

I really wonder what the odds are for something like that, for two complete strangers to bump into each other and start talking about a small town like Pocatello just as a third stranger from there happens by. And for all of it to go down in Dublin, in the middle of an incredibly crowded tourist attraction. The odds on something like this must be astronomical. Of course, I get "lucky" and hit the odds by being part of three people from stink-town Pocatello randomly meeting instead of something with comparable percentages like, oh, I don't know, the lottery!

This is, if nothing else, proof positive that God really exists. I mean, someone has to be out to get me, right?


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