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Monday, February 13, 2006

From the "Brands I doubt I'll ever buy" category

There is a store right next to the Lloyd's bank I do my "banking" at (as chronicled in my previous post, the one at which I'm enduring the soul-crushing experience of opening an account) that advertises various high-end fashion brands for sale. At the top of the sidewalk display is the name "Aquascutum". Invariably, while walking past this sign, my mind recognizes this name brand as either "Aquascum" or, even worse, as "Aquascrotum". Since both of these associations are highly distasteful to me, this brand is unlikely to ever make an appearance in my closet.

Still, curiousity led me to search their website to see what their clothing lines looked like. And as much as I hate to say this, this traditional English brand does nothing to dispel the equally traditional notion that Britian is populated by, well, nothing by pansies. The most damning bit of evidence comes in the "Aquascutum Collection" range. To get there, go to their website, click "collections", and then select "Aquascutum Collection" and "menswear". If the picture I am thinking of doesn't come up automatically, just click on that guy at the very top, since he is the one you should see. I'll pause here for a moment for you all to catch your breath after chortling at the dubious choice of linen jacket paired with Daisy Duke shorts. Who wears short shorts? Why, British men, of course! Is it any wonder this fine island gave the world such intense and masculine sports as golf and cricket?


At 6:38 AM, Blogger brian said...

What a bunch of biathletes on the Aquascrotum website.

At 12:18 PM, Blogger YMMV said...

I laugh now, but I'll be poncing around this summer in those clothes, I'd guess.


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