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Thursday, February 02, 2006

The hardest working cereal at the breakfast table

One of the most tired cliches in the business sector (and this includes the business of sports) is that people succeed only by giving 110%. You know, the idea being that people need to give more effort than their opponents. Well, the other day I was looking at the ingredients list for a breakfast cereal that commonly graces my breakfast table: Weetabix.

The ingredients list said this: 105%* Whole Grain Wheat. Fwuh? How can my cereal by 105% wheat? Well, my eyes slid down the label to see what that asterisk meant. The explanation was this: 105 grams of whole grain wheat per 100 grams of cereal. Yeah, that still doesn't check out. If I pour 100 grams of cereal in my bowl, than at most I can have 100 grams of whole grain wheat. The word "ingredients", by the very nature of the word, centers on what is in the box itself. I don't care what went into the production of the cereal, and what ended up on the floor as extra, 100 grams of cereal can only contain 100 grams of wheat.

WhatI find most unnerving is that my cereal is, every single day, giving 105% effort at the breakfast table. This is doubly troubling because Weetabix is producing boxes of cereal where you get 50% more free (36 total biscuits per box versus the normal 24) with each purchase. That means my cereal busting its ass all the time to such an extent that they are giving me half-again as much per box for nothing. All this makes me think about my own life, and the fact that I only give about 32% effort at any given time. Even then, that is my peak performance; I think my effort level hovers around the 9% mark on any given day. I feel extraordinarly lazy seeing extra large boxes of such effort-intensive cereal around me all the time. It's like hanging out with Rudy all the time; it makes you mindful of just how easy you are taking it any given time. So, with this in mind, I think I've decided to start eating some sugary cereals, which contains only 4 or 5% of grain, which is really more my speed anyway...


At 6:16 PM, Blogger brian said...

Wow, I love Weetabix. 7 Weetabix were made during my visit to the webpage. Amazing.

At 12:53 PM, Blogger YMMV said...

Yeah, that counter didn't make me feel any less lazy. While surfing through their site I watched the Weetabix counter add up, and was amazed at how much productivity was taking place as I sat there doing nothing on a computer.


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