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Friday, February 10, 2006

An ode to the Winter Olympics

I just realized that the Winter Olympics are starting, uh, today, I think. As someone who is only vaguely interested in the Summer Olympics, let me just say that I absolutely adore the Winter edition. And I will be the first to say that I love, just love, the biathlon. It is easily my favorite sport at the Winter Olympics, and one that I really enjoy watching.

So, why do I love the Winters so much? No, it isn't that silly ice-skating bollocks. The interaction of humanity with natural elements really does it for me. Every event that I can think of takes place either outside or on a sheet of frozen ice, and that is something beautiful and wonderful to me; much better than lamely running around a track in a stadium. Plus, the how cool is it to have a sport where you ski around and shoot at stuff with a pellet gun? That's the kind of sport I can really get into.


At 6:55 PM, Blogger brian said...

I always knew you liked the bi athletes.

At 3:25 AM, Blogger The Kemps said...

i guess we only get one channel in Idaho?? And Andy , you're kidding right who ever heard of a sport where the people ski and shoot things. I mean you can't ski around with a gun on your back. that would be retarded. I mean wouldn't all the guys just shoot each other to ensure a gold medal. thats what I would do just get a good vantage point and start shooting people in the kneecaps.. NOW THATS A SPORT I CAN LOVE (BI or not)

At 11:42 AM, Blogger YMMV said...

Brian: Yeah, I prefer the Gayathlon, but that never seems to show up on the channel listings. Weird. Mandy: Just think of it this way, now you can spend more time with the baby and more time in the kitchen cooking Gregg a feast fit for a king when he gets home from work at night. Gregg: I like the way you think! I'd love to see some guy who is trailing coming down the home stretch pop a guy in the back and coast across the finish for a gold medal. Awesome.


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