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Thursday, February 16, 2006

T-minus one day

Tomorrow is the start of the Model United Nations weekend here in London, where I am still charged with being the representative for Togo, and I must admit that I have no more knowledge of this country than I did two weeks ago. The only progress I have made was branding a slogan for my fictional Togo Tourism Board: "I go, you go...we all go to Togo!!"

However, over the last few days I have realized that nobody, frankly, knows anything more about Togo than I do, and that I can simply fabricate a series of facts to throw out whenever necessary. With that in mind, I could use some help making up stuff for my country. Thus far, my main fact is that Togo was the first nation to land on the moon. Here is the picture to prove it:

The Mtv actually stands for "Mugalutuba Togo volatmala!" Which translates, roughly, to "Recognize that Togo was here first, bitchezzz!" The US, in its eternal perfidy, took down our flag and replaced it before filming their moon "landing". Oh, you sneaky yankee bastards!!

So, does anyone have any more facts I can use this weekend? I really don't want to do any research for this project, and I could certainly use the help.


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