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Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Militant Marley

While in Oxford I visited the Ashmolean Museum, where I came across a strange mishmash of European cultures. A common sight among vaguely hippy-ish people are vintage German military jackets. You know, the ones that look like this, with the German flag on the shoulder:

Another common sight amongst these hippies is Bob Marley merchandise. But what made this particular chap I saw in the museum unusual was that he had managed to combine these two into one self-contradictory piece of clothing: a military coat with Bob Marley's visage screened onto the back. Yes. I'm sure that Bob would really approve of the military, you twit.

On the topic of Marley related trivia, I came across some information in the Sunday about a royalties dispute concerning Bob Marley's former bassist and co-writer, Aston 'Family Man' Barrett. Why, you might ask, is he nicknamed "Family Man"? Well, it is because he has, and I want to be clear that this is not a misprint or a mistaken bit of typing on my part, fifty-two [52] children. Here is the article in question, in case you don't believe me. Yup, that averages out to having to send birthday presents off once a week, every year, for the rest of your life. Now I know why he was a bassist, cuz he sure 'nough got the rhythm! Zing!


At 9:00 PM, Blogger YMMV said...

Hi Mandy! How to help? Hmm...you can send me $10 million dollars and many beautiful ladies, for starters. :) Seriously, thanks for staying up to date and being my most faithful poster! You're tops!


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