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Monday, February 27, 2006

Move ya ass

I spent most of Saturday afternoon getting my schoolwork organized and printing off some readings that I have been missing, finally finishing up and leaving the computer lab at around four in the afternoon. On my way back to Byng Place I generally cut through the grounds of the School for Oriental and African Studies, and I would be remiss if I didn't mention that this place is hilarious to me, attracting quite a mix of people trying to get you to sign up for the Socialist Student Union, Amnesty International, the anti-Google club, and various other causes. I'm pretty sure there was a place where you could donate money to help assassinate George Bush and Tony Blair, but maybe I just imagined it. On the upside, there is one person I like to see at this daily congregation, and that is the Hare Krishnas. Why, you might find yourself asking? Easy. They give out free vegetarian meals on the SOAS campus, served up off a tiny trailer hitched to the back of a bicycle. The only problem is that every time I go there I have absolutely no money on me, so I can't pitch in a few pence in the tip jar. Oh well, I figured organized has taken so much from society over the centuries, it is high time they started giving something back. Free meals for people like me is a good start (although I certainly hope they are helping to feed the homeless as well).

This Saturday the grounds were fairly vacant except for a few people milling around the stairs of one building, although I hardly noted them initially as I was walking into the sunset and my vision was rather impaired. Out of seemingly nowhere a lady jumped in front of my holding a camera and asked if she could film me. Specifically, she wanted me to wave to the camera and then shake my ass for her. To my credit, I maintained my composure rather well when confronted with this request; a small smirk flashed across my face, I arched one eyebrow said, "You're joking, of course." She informed me that she was not, and was doing some sort of project involving men or somesuch, and she was filming random guys waving to the camera and wiggling their posteriors. Needless to say, I was more than eager to get my buttocks jiggling on film, so I performed for her not once, but twice (the light was quite satisfactory in the initial shot). After ensuring that my performance was adequate, I continued on my way, safe in the knowledge that this is the kind of thing will eventually torpedo any attempt I make to run for political office. Ah, well...


At 6:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you sure she was doin' a project? Did you actually witness her filming anyone else? She could turn into a stalker! Look out!

At 11:29 AM, Blogger YMMV said...

Actually, no...I didn't see her filming anyone else, since it was pretty vacant out there. However, she looked like she was about 40, so if she turns out to be a stalker I can always outrun her, I would venture ;)

At 10:40 PM, Blogger The Kemps said...

hey I didn't read your supid blog (too long) but I thought you may want to hear some entertianing news. ( dom has set a new land speed record for knockin his bitch up. Oh yea the've got another bun in the oven. someone should cut his dick off.

At 1:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm curious to know where I can get my hands on a copy of the video and more importantly the shots of your bum!

At 8:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work!
[url=http://spmxdrjl.com/pmxe/zmsw.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://bccudtea.com/jsbx/jocm.html]Cool site[/url]

At 8:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work!
http://spmxdrjl.com/pmxe/zmsw.html | http://shrefgwr.com/zgqw/nrhc.html


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