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Sunday, April 23, 2006

The clumsy "Left Hand of God"

I've read that one way to stave off a decline in mental prowess is to perform routine tasks in a novel fashion. Things include taking a shower with your eyes close and trying to do more with your off-hand. In my case, that means trying to do certain things left-handed, sometimes with unintended results. This morning I was making my porridge, and I flavored it with raisins, cinnamon and sugar. After a few spoonfuls, I decided it needed a touch more sugar, so I lifted up my small bag of sugar with my left hand and tried to shake a pinch more into my porridge.

I probably shouldn't do that anymore.

After a few light side-to-side sweeping motions, my hand had a sudden spasm of strength, causing sugar to fly off in all directions across my desk. Good thing I'm preventing brain decline, because I'll probably need that added boost of intelligence to figure out how I'm going to get rid of all the ants I suspect will soon track down the sweet, sweet sugar in my carpet.


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