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Friday, April 21, 2006

Even more unbreakable

My body is quickly falling apart. In earlier comments to my Unbreakable post, I detailed how fragile I've become, and it seems this phenomenon is only getting worse. (And just for the record, Mandy and Michelle, no alcohol or other funny business was involved in my getting hurt while in bed the other night.) Yesterday I went to play in our weekly game of footie, and thought I was over a lingering hamstring pull in my right leg.


I didn't even last 180 seconds. Within the first 3 minutes of the game, I felt a searing pain shoot through my leg and I pulled up gimpy; I thought my hamstring was torn at first. Luckily, it isn't that bad, but now I can't really get any power generated from my right hammy, and I have to take a couple of weeks off to let that muscle heal up all the way. Oh well, at least I didn't hurt it just sleeping.


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