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Sunday, June 11, 2006

Trading card madness!

I used to collect baseball cards, and one of the most famous brands was Topps. But baseball cards aren' t the only thing Topps is famous for, as they are also well known for producing movie cards which have some, uh, dubious aspects to them. Case in point, a card from the upcoming Superman Returns film.I love the look of surprise and embarassment, like he just got caught, er, coming out of the "broom" closet. Apparently broom=gay. I'm so behind on my slang. And to show this isn't an isolated incident, here is the infamous Star Wars C-3PO weiner card from way back.

I'm guessing that is why Threepio hangs out with R2-D2 so often, because he is "just the right height", if you know what I mean. Hopefully on a future release of the original movies they will include the deleted scenes when Han walks in on the two of them "tightening some nuts and bolts" behind one of the Millenium Falcon's bulkheads.


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