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Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Oooh baby, I like it raw!

So the other night Elkhan decided to make some BBQ chicken legs he picked up, pre-seasoned, from the store. Quite bizarrely, though, he decided to fry them up in a pan instead of roasting them in the oven, and his reasoning was a bit shocking: despite cooking almost everyday of his life, he has never once used an oven, only the hob (or burner, as we call them in the States). Of course you can see the problem with this: thick, cylindrical legs don't cook well on flat pans that only impart heat to a limited area at a time, so when he started to eat his plate stacked with legs, he found them to be raw. And not just a tinge undercooked, but rather raw to the point of bright red blood flowing from the deepest recesses of the leg. Take a look:

What made this event even better was the after-effects. When confronted by our questions about his sanitary habits (none of us will eat his meals anymore because of our concerns about his handling of raw meat, and the fact he never washes his hands; actually, I won't eat anybody else's food, especially on floor, populated as it is by Elkhan and also a guy who seems to have his hands permanently glued to the inside of his basketball shorts and maniacally and ceaselessly rubs his testicles...blech), Elkhan responded to our worries by saying that since he studied in a US Department of Defense High School in Dubai and got military-level shots he now considers himself immune to salmonella. At worst, he says, he'll either have to get some penicillin shots or else wait for his fever to get sufficiently hot to kill off the bug inside him. Needless to say, I'm not exactly rushing to Elkhan for medical advice.

So you've been warned...if you see the man in the following (blurry) picture offering you dinner, you take your life in your own (hopefully non testicle-rubbing) hands.

Who knows? Maybe he and the Old Dirty Bastard have something in common.


At 5:43 AM, Blogger The Kemps said...

looks like a vein more than a bone, Are you sure thats a chicken leg? Salmonella stays with you forever and flares up from time to time. For a guy his age in fare health he'll most likely just get the shits for a day or two. Make sure he washes those hands


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