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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Curse of the hole in the sand

I previously mentioned that Jackpot, Nevada, is the Devil's playground, and has treated Tom and I shamefully, but I never appreciated the full depth of Jackpot's perfidy until I read a comment Mandy left on that post. Tom has, for all intents and purposes, been sucked into the gaping maw of evil that is Jackpot, apparently never to be seen again. Nobody has seen hide nor hair of him since he returned, and last week he never responded to my text message.

I fear the worst. I fear he lost more in Jackpot than he let on and now has been forced into a life of indentured servitude while he repays his debts to the various mobsters and lowlifes who execute Satan's bidding in the wastelands of Nevada. Damn you all, give us back our Tom!


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