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Monday, February 12, 2007

Want to join my street gang?

I was watching the news the other night, and apparently there is a troublesome gang of local homeless youths called the "Sick Boys". Sick boys? I'm a little let down by that monker. To be honest, I think this gang could have used a bit more pizazz in the name game. Perhaps I'm judging them by too harsh a standard, but after the top-shelf names that appeared in The Tick, I've come to expect a lot from character names these days. How can you top great names like, El Seed, Sarcastro, and American Maid? Or how about The Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs at Midnight? Check out here for more, and more here.

As much as kid, I'm not going to lie to you and say I'm not afraid for my safety now that these nasty sick boys are about. What to do? By pure chance I've stumbled on the solution tonight, during a walk around some of Portland's more tony neighborhoods. While out and about with Richard, I came across a very friendly cat who, after a minute or so of petting, decided to walk along side us for several blocks. That was it! My own street gang! And this orange cat was member numero uno! Soon I had visions of my gang dancing in my head: cats, dogs, pigeons, frogs, all manner of mammals and reptiles trailing behind me. I was all set to fight fire with fire, taking my army from the animal kingdom to match forces with the Sick Boys. I could even make them actually sick, by having rabid animals in my posse.

I need a name, though, before we hit the streets for good and all. Any suggestions?


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