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Thursday, April 12, 2007


Gregg got comped with some free movie tickets from a local radio station recently, so he treated me to a hot date at the Grindhouse monday night. Our tickets caused a minor sensation at the moviehouse, though, and the issue had to be escalated through three levels of management before we could get in. It started with the standard-issue teen who works every counter in every movie theatre in America, then went to the floor manager, who finally had to get approval from some higher authority. Once we got the go-ahead, Gregg had to sign in on their log, and I'm pretty sure I caught one guy surreptitiously trying to take a hair sample from Gregg for the DNA database they keep on free-ticket redeemers.

For those of you who haven't seen Grindhouse (and judging by the box office totals, most of you haven't), I would heartily recommend it for a blast at the movies. And for the gents in the audience, I must say that Rosario Dawson was looking spectacular. Oh, and I totally want to date a New Zealand stuntwoman now.


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