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Tuesday, July 03, 2007

I predict you'll anger me

Does anyone here love predictive text on their phone? I used to, until my new phone turned out to be the Miss Cleo of presaging. Sure, it will get things right once in a while, perhaps even enough to give you the sense it may have some powers of clairvoyance, but you know deep down it is just random chance. And like the vaguely-esteemable mystical Miss Cleo, my phone veers unexpectedly into heavily accented gibberish that I can't quite understand. Take my recent attempt to text someone the following message: "Did u get tickets for the game?" The outcome: "Did u 438 tickets dos vié gané?"

My phone, bless his little soul, is steadfast in his conviction that I never use the word "get"; instead, it is his opinion that I really intend to write 438. The errors are seemingly endless. Wal-mart comes out as Y2K Mast. Ugh. Sprint or Samsung need divination upgrades for their products.


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