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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Make em say uhhhh!!!

Today different work groups had to give brief powerpoint presentations, and one team inexplicably added a tank graphic that slowly moved into the screen from the lower right hand corner. I immediately thought of Master P and the No-Limit Soliders when I saw the tank creepin', so I had to make a public reference and give an "uhhhhhhh" to those around me. I wish I would have known that was in the powerpoint program, I totally would have changed the color scheme to pure gold and emblazoned No-Limit on the tank. If you don't love a video that has a gold plated tank in a gymnasium, one that even features a man in a gorilla costume performing trampoline-assisted dunks, then you truly have no soul.


At 8:01 PM, Blogger Jim said...

We'll be home in late August and back to Poky the 2nd week of August. But I have heard this story before with no signs of Andy actually showing up. You are still welcome anytime. I still have the feeling that we will only see you, if we come to you. Prove me wrong.


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