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Saturday, July 07, 2007

The power cosmic

I've yet to see the new Fantastic Four movie, but I imagine I'll catch it on DVD. One of the most glorious plot devices in Fantastic Four/Marvel Comics history is the Ultimate Nullifier, which does precisely what it says on the tin: it is the pinnacle of nullification technology. Entire races, entire galaxies, even the universe itself, can be made non-extant with this device. You'll see it below used to stave off Galactus and his planet-devouring hunger when he came for Earth.

At my new job I have to speak to customers over the phone all day. I've discovered my own version of the Ultimate Nullifier: the disconnect button. I've gone so far as to develop my own comic book-style catchphrase to punctuate hang ups: "Verily, thou hast been nullified!"


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