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Thursday, October 13, 2005

My presentation was the best one

In my class on problems of democracy, we periodically have to give presentations on readings we are assigned to. Two weeks ago I was part of a group that read a work, and we split it up into sections to present on individually. Now I normally hate sitting through most people's presentations, since they just sit at the front of the class and read off a sheet they printed off before class. So I try to be a little more engaging by getting up and writing diagrams on the board and talking without notes, because it allows me and the audience to visualize the points I'm trying to make better since it flows easier.

Anyway, before last week's class we had another "presentation" assigned, as well as a short paper to write about the readings. And being a person with horrible time management skills, I put off writing my paper until late the night before it was due, and consequently started to get really sleepy while writing it. No worries, I thought, I'll just wake up early and finish it. So I set the time on my alarm to wake up early and check it a few more time for good measure.

When I woke up the next morning, I woke up naturally, and thought to myself, "Wow, I feel especially rested! I feel like I slept quite a long time!" And there was a good reason for thinking that: I did sleep a long time. Here's the problem: I checked the time on my alarm, but never bothered to turn the alarm itself on. Splendid. So I have to crank this paper out, and end up getting to class about half an hour late (it's a three hour class), but just in time to see that the discussion is turning to the part of the article that I was supposed to cover. So when my professor asks about that section, I say "Well, it's easier if I can just sort of write up a diagram about what is going on." And I proceed to give a ten minute presentation on my subject, much like we all did the week before, and then return to my seat.

What became increasingly apparent, however is that there were no presentations this week, because nobody else was going up there. I didn't know this since I got there so late. Whoops.

So here it how it looked to the rest of the class. I show up half an hour late huffing and puffing, and then within two minutes the teacher asks the class a general question, and I essentially say "Move aside, teach! Let a real man handle this subject!" And then I grab the eraser, wipe all of her notes off the board, and then take over the class to give a lecture on religious reformation and its role in democractic societies.

On the upside, my presentation was the best one in class (of course, it is sort of a hollow victory, because it was the only one). On the downside, I looked like an insufferable ass for jumping up and giving a lecture instead of answering a short question from my seat like a normal person. I'm such a goober.


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