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Thursday, December 01, 2005

Harrod's redux

So, in an earlier post I wrote about how bizarre I thought it was that Harrod's department store had an entire catalogue of hampers for sale. Little did I know at the time that hampers out here in Brit land actually means gift boxes. So, looks like I owe the fine people at Harrod's an apology for making fun of their otherwise excellent hampers.

However, when I went there last night, I did find that the Harrod's food department had produced a product with a label that reached new lows of redundancy. It was for a jar of quail eggs. Yes, that's right, it was a jar filled with nothing for clear liquid and speckled quail eggs. I was curious if there was something special in the brine, so I looked at the ingredients label on the back. It was there that I saw this message clearly imprinted:

Whew! That clears that confusion up!


At 8:01 PM, Blogger brian said...

Well, thanks a lot there, stranger in a strange land. I ordered one of those hamper catalogs hoping find the sweetest hamper for my dirty clothes. And here I come to find I will be disappointed with crap gift boxes. Ass!


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