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Monday, November 14, 2005

"Oh, fetch man! That wasn't freakin' awesome at all!"

I've opined before that I love living the Western US, the land of common sense solutions to problems. That is why it warmed my heart to see that people back in my region of the US seem to still be as no nonsense and solutions oriented as I remember them. I was reading through the news when a story from Utah caught my eye. It concerned an argument about how appropriate it is to use profanity around people who strongly object to it, and one person's way to deal with people who, gosh darnit, just won't shut up! Here is the story from the KSL website:

(KSL News) Police now say an argument caused a 21-year-old man to jump from a moving truck in South Jordan.

Tyler Poulson was riding with his brothers last night when he became offended by one of them using profanity. Poulson, who recently returned from an LDS mission, threatened to get out of the truck if he continued.

One of the men, not thinking he would, told Poulson to. Earlier police said the car was going about 35 miles an hour when Poulson opened the door and jumped. He was pronounced dead on scene.

Now, it honestly is a really crappy thing this guy didn't survive, but seriously, WTF guy? Jumping from a moving car because some swears? There is a right way and a wrong way to deal with this problem. You chose...unwisely.


At 6:09 PM, Blogger YMMV said...

Say hi to Jason for me, eh! I'll be home in about three weeks, and we can all party to celebrate everyone's homecoming then!


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