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Thursday, November 10, 2005

The combover that was neither combed nor over.

So the other night I decided to go to the Opera, and I ended up having pretty great seats for it. I was on the ground floor, but towards the back so the floor gently sloped away from me, ensuring that I didn't have somebody's fat head in the way. And sure enough, it wasn't someone's head that was in the way, it was some old man's flyaway hairdo.

Now combovers have been the butt of many jokes over the years, and rightfully so. But, honestly, how often do people see an honest-to-goodness real combover these days? It's a pretty rare sight, I suspect. But I actually spotted one, or at least a variation on it. You see, while this guy may have given up on dignity and fashion sense, at least his hair still had some small bit of pride. I don't know, maybe it was programmed in at the genetic level, but his hair was simply not cooperating with "Operation They'll Never Know I'm Bald if I Pull These Five Strands of Hair Over". The hair(s) in question started on the left side of his skull and were pulled over towards his right. But, defiant as they were, these hairs stubbornly tried to make a break back for the left side of his head, and the net effect was that this guy's wispy strands of hair ended up standing almost straight up on the left side of his head, directly in my line of vision.

Luckily, like most things old men have, it didn't manage to stay at attention for very long. Call it "erectile dysfunction" if you will, but his hair simply drooped and plopped down eventually. (Yeah, that's erection burn was a lazy joke, but I'm a very lazy man.) And during intermission, it seems he tamed that beast with some pomade, as never again wandered into my line of sight.

He did, though, fall asleep throughout the performance after that. I don't know, maybe pomade makes you sleepy?


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