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Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Satan is my new employer

Today I went in search of rubbing alcohol. Wow, the excitement never stops in London, right? Well, despite living in a city of over 7 million people, you would not believe how hard it is to find things I need. Shoelaces, for instance, I ended up buying in Idaho over Christmas. And now I need rubbing alcohol, and neither of the grocery stores near me has it, nor do the local drug stores. Say what you will about the big stores in the US, at least you can find what you need there.

Anyway, part of living in central London is putting up with people ask you to take part in surveys or give money to various causes all day long. In my time here I've fabricated many ways to deal with these people. A favorite is the "opposition lie" that I use for various causes. When Amnesty International asks me to join, I tell them I support torture, for example. But by far the most effective method is simply to ignore people and act as if they aren't even there.

Well, on my way to search for rubbing alcohol, I saw a guy with a clipboard on the sidewalk, so I immediately put on my most unapproachable face and tried to look as badass as possible so he wouldn't bother me. This, alas, had the opposite effect. He didn't bother either of the two ladies walking in front of me, but instead pounced on me as I walked by and asked, "Do you have a minute to talk to..." I didn't catch that last part because I was well on my way past him at this point, but at no time did I look at him, speak to him, or acknowledge his existence. Awesome.

After leaving the store, I say him again, and he certainly saw me. But I think I actually crushed a little bit of his spirit today. That is a pretty crappy job to have, constantly trying to stop people who don't want to talk to you, so I already have a bit of pity for these people. But when I passed him the second time, his tone of voiced and whole demeanor had changed, and this time he just sort of quietly and pitifully said, "Hello", obviously just trying to get me to acknowledge that he is a human being and shouldn't be flatly ignored.

Which is, of course, what I did. Again I didn't say anything to him, and I'd like to think that I killed a bit of his soul today. If so, then I think Satan owes me, so I'm looking for something deliciously sinful and good to happen to me in the near future as Satan will be paying back the debt he owes me after destoying a good man's soul.


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