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Monday, December 12, 2005

R.I.P Tony Danza's Career

Yeah, I know Tony Danza's career has been over for some time, but I didn't realize how badly he had faded from the public mind until last week. At our Christmas party, I lamented to my friend that I couldn't get to the table with the mincemeat pies because everyone was standing in front of the table. She, being very small, offered to sneak through the tangled mess of revelers and retrieve a pie for me. I declined, and said with the kind of courage and conviction that only comes after four drinks, "Nah, I'm about to be like Tony Danza and go over there and show them who's the boss."

Her reaction? Nothing. Now, I've dropped some duds when it comes to jokes in my time, but it is rare to see a complete blank from someone. If a joke is crap, I at least expect to get a grimace or a thumbs down from someone. But her...nothing.

Turns out she had never heard of Tony Danza or Who's the Boss. Damn, what a waste of a perfectly good Tony Danza reference!


At 3:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now I'm feeling old... I still know exactly who Tony Danza is... Or should I say was? Yikes!

At 1:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t blame dat shit on Tony! Who be dis miniature, eurotrash pie thief, anyway? Shit. Waste of a perfectly good “Who’s the Boss” joke is goddamn right! Now who da sucka? Shit, dat ain’t how we roll. Mutha fucka our age in any fuckin English speakin country gots to be educated! Now whatchyo ass gon do when it wants to throw down a ol’ school “Perfect Strangers” reference? Huh? You gon be all like, “Yeah, and Larry and Balki…” and shit, and dis li’l three foot pie thief gon be all like, “Whatchyou talkin ‘bout Willis,” ‘cause she think yo name’s Willis or somethin, and she ain’t even gon know why that shit she just said is so fuckin funny or why Balki was sayin that weird shit to Larry or why you was sayin it while waitin in line for the Chunnel or some shit. My adviced be to bounce, Homeslice. Bounce!


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