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Thursday, April 27, 2006

The plot thickens on the gay-o-rama

Okay, first of all the internet was going all wonky on me the other day, so I had no idea that even posted, let alone twice. I ended up saving it as a word document to post at a later time, when the net was more cooperative. But, hey! There it is, and twice no less!

So I've done a little independent research, and things are not what they seem with my encounter the other day. First of all, I was rash in saying that I knew this guy is straight. I've known way too many guys who have had girlfriends in the past before coming out of the closet, so that was my mistake, making such a rash declaration.

It now appears that there is no "everybody" in the building that thinks that about me. Turns out that this guy has a well-earned reputation as a closet-case, and he was almost certainly trawling to see if he would get a nibble from me, excuse the expression. He was hoping that I was actually gay so he could try to put the move on me.

So while not everybody thinks I'm gay, I am keeping my string alive of attracting all the gay men within the vicinity to me, while at the same time driving all the ladies away in hordes.

Woohoo...er...I guess...


At 2:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if this will make you feel any better, but after reading some of your posts, my friend Angie wanted to see a photo of you. I showed her one I had of you from my wedding and she thinks you're a pretty hot guy! (Maybe I should stop here and not mention that her type of guy has been described as "bald, white supremacist skin head lookin' types!”)

At 2:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, I probably should work on getting some new shots of you because I actually only could find two pictures, both from my wedding. In one of them you were looking pretty happy on the dance floor with Jim! Depending upon who I show it to it could be adding to your perceived image as a gay man!

At 6:50 PM, Blogger YMMV said...

Wait, is your friend really a neo-Nazi? Because saying a white-supremacist is attracted to me is not the way to cheer me up :(

I'm hoping that maybe she is just one of those girls who likes guys with shaved heads, and she isn't some crazy from North Idaho...

At 9:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, let's clear that up! She just really goes for the shaved head look! The previous description is just an exaggerated example used to describe physical attributes; she is no way affiliated with or interested in any neo-Nazi organization! And she is not from North Idaho. Hope that helps! =)

At 9:08 AM, Blogger YMMV said...

That's what I thought...I was just teasing. When I was living in Hungary my roomate was also named Andy, and we hung out all the time together with the European students. To differentiate us they called my roomie "Brandy Andy" because he puked out the window at a party early in the semester, and they called me "Skinhead Andy", a name I wasn't altogether comfortable with, for the obvious reasons. They didn't mean anything neo-Nazi by it, but it was still the worst nickname I could imagine, and I'm glad to be rid of it....


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