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Sunday, January 07, 2007

All Hail Seizure!!

Sometimes my dog, Schnitzel, scares me. Not in the "I'm rabid and I'm about to bite you" type of scary, but more in the "I'm on the verge of death" scary. For those of you who haven't seen him, imagine a rat and a pile of charcoal mated, and you would have my dog. He is an ill-shaped, lumpy dog, with random sprouts of uneven hair. He also is ancient, old to the point where he needs to take daily heart medicine, which makes me worry about his longevity at certain points.

This is most worrisome when I take him in the car with me, because he gets so excited about going for a walk at some point that he begins to shake terribly in the seat next to me. It really gets kind of scary sometimes, since his whole body vibrates and it looks like he is about to die from a seizure in the car next to me.

Maybe I should pack a doggie defibrillator in my car.


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