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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Who am I?

We were doing "get to know you" games at work last week, and one exercise involved going around the class and voting which cartoon character each of our classmates most reminded us of. After the class assigned a character to a person, we were able to answer who we thought we were most like. Strangely enough, I wasn't even voted as cartoon character; Dr. Evil took the victory lap in this contest, with Professor Farnsworth taking second place.
Who did I think I was most like? I made it a tie, the first one I nominated was Race Bannon from the Johnny Quest cartoon:
My reasoning, and I quote myself accurately here, "I'm a two-fisted adventurer who likes to punch out the locals."

My second character was Bender B. Rodriguez from Futurama.
The justification for Bender? Again, I quote: "Like him I drink, I swear, I smoke cigars, I'm always on the verge of being arrested, and I like hooker-bots." The topper was when someone actually asked me to clarify this last point by putting this question to me: "Hooker-bots? Are those robot hookers?" "Yes, yes they are."

I'm actually going out of my way to be inappropriate at work these days. I met with my new bosses on Sunday and we had to do an ice-breaker, and my question was name one embrassing moment. I proceeded to regale my new overlords with tales of me drunkenly stripping in front of people. Totally appropriate.


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