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Friday, November 16, 2007

Come in with the milk

You've all seen the Aviator, yeah? With Howard Hughes slipping into repetitive loops of language? Does that happen to anybody else out there? When things need be done I tend to say something over and over again, usually along the lines of "Gotta get rye bread, gotta get rye, gotta get rye."

Well, it happened again today, but the fabulous part was that I was getting my laundry sorted for wash day. The most pressing issue was doing my white t-shirts and socks, so I was repeating this mandate time and again. But because I tend to talk in marginally sensical slang sometimes, what came out of my mouth was this: "...gotta blow up the whites, gotta blow up the whites, gotta make those whites blow up..."

I imagine if anyone heard me I probaby some like sort of race traitor about to send out mail bombs to other white people.


At 6:16 AM, Blogger brian said...

Show me all the blue prints. Show me all the blue prints. Show me all the blue prints.


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