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Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Cough syrup? Yeah, that's hot...

So I've been living the rock and roll lifestyle over the past week, and its effects are really starting to take its toll on me. In the past week, I've had nights where I have gotten 3, 4, and 2 hours of sleep. This is mainly because I've written almost 45 pages of essays for three classes: two papers were a little over ten pages, and one was about 23 pages long.

Wow, I'm really busy, huh? Well, if you count drinking a bunch of booze as busy, then yes, I have been busy. That, after the lack of sleep, is the second main factor of my rock and roll lifestyle. When I'm not working on papers, I've had a few night of boozing with the people at my building. I don't want to overstate the case, because I actually have had more quiet nights, like going to see Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang (see it now!!) and the latest Harry Potter, but I have had a few long nights around Byng Place over the past week and a half.

On top of this, I've picked up the Byng Place Plague of Death, which has stricken almost everybody in the building. We've had at least two people have to go to the hospital so far, and the whole building feels more like a hospital ward than a residence hall. Everyone is constantly coughing and shuffling about slowly. Sucks.

So last night, after another late night paper writing session, I tried to go to sleep about 4:15 in the morning. Alas, after 30 minutes spent coughing, I found I couldn't catch one wink while hacking away. Frustrated, I threw on a pair of pants and a sweater that (after two minutes outside) I realized was much too thin to be walking around in winter in, I headed down to the local Tesco store to find some cough remedy. I looked at the syrups first, and I have to say, these products were a little too racy for my taste. I eventually settled on the cough drops, but I can't get these cough syrups out of my head. The thing I can't get over is that they all advertise themselves as being for chesty coughs. Am I the only one who thinks that name for an illness is kind of sexy? Chesty cough. It almost sounds like a stripper, or a porn star:

"Chesty Cough stars in Bad Throat! It started out as just a little tickle in her throat, but before she knew it, she developed a full-on hard case of Chesty Cough! Can she cough it out in time? Or will that man-size tickle have it's own brand of cough syrup for her?"

I want to start my own brand of cough syrup and advertise it as being the remedy for Busty Bronchitis. Or maybe I can make something for that cures Ta-tas tuberculosis? Anybody out there looking to invest?


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