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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Enough already!!

Alright alright, I'll stop constantly posting youtube clips after this, but in the meantime I've been obsessed with all sorts of animals recently, especially since BBC had Bear Week on the other day. The octopus remains my favorite, but man, I've been on a huge big cat kick recently.

So why do I love the octopus? Man, what isn't to love? First of all, they are capable of reciprocating my love; that's right, the octopus is reputed to be able to exhibit love and caring. It also has complete control of its body color, texture, and shape, allowing it to fit through almost any opening. Even a quite large octopus can go through any opening as small as a quarter. Additionally, it can change its color and contours to blend in perfectly with its environment in under 1 second. By comparison, the chameleon can take three minutes to change color. Oh, and did I mention that among the thousands of color and shape transformations it makes each day it possesses bioluminesence? It can put on bright bursts of light and color at will.They are also highly intelligent, able to learn and solve basic problems, and are entirely badass. Watch this shark get the whammy put on him. Note how fast he changes shape and texture. Here is another video that I'm not entirely sure is legitimate. The consensus seems to be that it is real, but I haven't seen any independent verification of that myself, so be advised it may be fake. Still, having seen other octopus videos I would not be too surprised if it was real, since this display is on par with what I've seen elsewhere.

Ok, what about big cats? Well, I love to watch their speed and power while hunting, honestly. If you want a brief moment of terror, put yourself in this guy's shoes. Apparently riding on an elephant doesn't protect you from tigers, and neither does throwing sticks at them when they are charging full steam ahead. FYI dude, if a hungry croc can't handle a tiger, don't bother throwing twigs at them, okay? And finally, I think I just love the music choice in this video. The last fifteen seconds of the video are absolutely ridiculous. Smack my bitch up? Awesome, considering how the lionesses got rolled up earlier, only for the big boss to eventually come through for them. As the myspace generation might say, "OMG WTF hyenas, pwned LOL!1!!!11!!


At 5:56 PM, Blogger Ace said...

That shark video might be my new favorite thing. Ever.

At 3:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my god, you are gay.

At 5:44 PM, Blogger YMMV said...


hookay - sorry for interrupting Andy-kins reply to you sweetie. Im the gay guy Andy shags up with when visiting my FABULOUS homeland Finland. Now Dah-ling, I can attest to the fact my lil´andy aint gay - gawd knows Ive tried to make him see the light, but to no avail. Nor has any of the boys at my local bar had any luck with him either. Damn pricktease if you ask me...

ta taa for now
Now - hereees ANDY!!!

See, there is absolutely nothing gay about me! Just ask the semi-naked gay man I'm living with if you want proof!


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