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Thursday, January 11, 2007

I'm melting!! Oh, what a world!

There are few things in the world finer than when sports personalities completely go insane in the public eye, and the finest examples are the members of the coaching staff. I can understand their frustration sometimes: they best they can do is scheme, devise and plan out the action, all the while cajoling and encouraging their players. Yet at no time can they physically control the action; they never shoot a ball, catch a pass, or throw a pitch, and thus feel impotent and frustrated when it all goes wrong, and are reduced to highly emotional meltdowns in front of the first available camera. Here are a few of my favorites over the years.

**John L Smith, formerly football coach at Michigan State University, has had to deal with the pressure that comes from being second banana program in the state to the University of Michigan, so he has little margin for error. You have to love his cool demeanor when dealing with his own coaching mistakes, though.

Come on John, how about a little self love, huh?

Uh, guess not.

**Also appearing on the list of Jim Mora, who had a great exchange with reporters that recently appeared in a Coors Light ad. In a later stint with the Saints (commonly referred to as the Aint's due to their history of futility), Mora gives a fairly frank appraisal of his team.

**A recent entry is Dennis Green's explosion after being on the losing end of a massive collapse earlier this year.

**Hey, Herm Edwards, why do we play the game?

**Although he isn't a coach, I can't get enough of Allen Iverson's practice speech. You have to sit through to his classic last line.


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