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Thursday, November 03, 2005

I'm becoming a comic book villian

While recently visiting Helsinki I came to the conclusion that I am evil. And not just run of the mill evil, but Mr. Burns-type/comic book evil. This finally sunk in when I was leaving the grocery store and started walking behind a family with a small child. The strange thing was that the mom, instead of pushing the stroller in front of her like most people do, was actually dragging it behind her, so the baby and I were face to face. And in the baby's lap was a package of candy. So what is the first thought to run through my head when I see this baby facing me and completely out of the sight of his parents? I'm embarassed to say it, but the first thought was "I bed I could take the baby's candy and his parents would never even know it."

Now, I want to make clear that I didn't actually try to take the candy. And I didn't really intend to, either. But I am a bit worried that this thought even popped into my mind. After giving it some consideration, however, I think I'm actually Two-Face from the Batman comics. He's the guy who was a normal, upstanding guy until the day that he was horribly disfigured and injured on one side of his body. This trauma split his personality in two, rendering him an unstable villian. But here's the thing: I have been having problems with one side of my body, as well. My left shoulder has been achy ever since hurting it a long time ago in the gym. My left hip has been tight for some reason, and my left big toe started bothering me after I walked around all day in a crappy pair of shoes.

I think I'm one or two more injuries to my left side away from bank-robberies and muggings. I think everyone should pray for my health, not just for me, but for their own safety as well.


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