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Friday, December 09, 2005

How I almost got demolished by four guys...

So last night we had our Christmas party at the University, and the free wine was flowing, which of course means that Andy has to do something very embarassing to himself. After a few hours and a few drinks at the party, we decided to take go to a club and enjoy some dancing. After an hour or so there I started to get pretty sleepy, since it was getting to be pretty late, so I decided to take a short walk around town and then head home. I walked down to Trafalgar Square and sat on the steps for a few minutes, where I actually almost fell asleep. Figuring that it would be unwise to fall asleep out on the street, I started my walk back home.

On my way back from Trafalgar Square, I often have to walk up Charing Cross Road, which is a pretty busy street, packed with people out walking at all hours of the night as it runs through an area packed with clubs, theatres, and cinemas. As I'm walking drunkenly home, this guy and I end up bumping into each other. Not a big deal, since this is a busy street and it can happen pretty easily. Like I said, no big deal, right?

Well, apparently this was a big deal, because this guy who was involved in the bumping says to me, "Watch where you're going n*&%a!" Huh? Did that guy just drop the N-bomb on me? Anyone who knows me knows that I don't take too kindly to bigotry and things of that nature at all. At all. So I wasn't happy in the least just because that word got used. So I stop and just stare at this guy and his three friends as they walk away. One of them keeps glancing back at me, and I'm just giving them the full-on evil eye. I'm actually pretty lucky that they decided not to come back, because I am far from the toughest guy in the world, and I'm sure I would have gotten one hell of a kicking if I ended up fighting four guys at once, especially given how ridiculously hammered I was. Yikes, that was a close one.

Oh, and the most absurd part about this whole situation? The guy who dropped the N-bomb on me was black, and his three friends looked like they were fairly white to me. Now I am obviously about the whitest guy on earth, but none of this really clicked for me until later on. So I just think that was a bizarre situation all the way around, and one that I'm glad didn't get out of hand, for my sake.


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