Updates, suckas!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Sweet Jesus that's smooth, good work guys!

Come sail away with some smooth friends on this ten-part series:

Friday, June 22, 2007

My crushes of the moment

Okay, so the first of these ladies I've had a crush on for a while, but it is time she got her proper due on my blog. First up, the incomparable Goldfrapp:

Second, the girl from the Beta Band's video for Human Being:

Now that's a spicy meatball. Incidentally, my sister claims the last time she was visiting my dad in the hospital in Utah, his nurses were replicants from movie hospitals, as she described them all as being Swedish buxom babes. If this is remotely accurate, I genuinely wish I were sick.

Friday, June 15, 2007

The Wiz

The message came before dawn. Ross sent me a text to let me know that Mr. Wizard had gone to that big science experiment in the sky, and the world was a little bit poorer for it. Without Mr. Wizard I never would have created a massive pool of fire in my street as a child, which I tried to beat out with our plastic doormat, causing it to melt slightly. Vaya con dios, amigo.

Reversing the atrophy

Preposterously lazy, I believe, is how I've often been described. Spectacularly slothful would be fitting as well. Nothing I've done has proven those descriptions inapt, at least not recently. But a shocking turn of events has revealed something akin to a work ethic inside, apparently long dormant but assumed dead. I started my new job in Utah this week, and it has really given me some motivation to get much accomplished. Wednesday, for instance, was stunning for me. I got up at 7 to help my mom get to the airport, drove to work (where my sister had left her car after getting a flat) and changed a tire, worked out at the company gym for an hour, worked for eight hours, stayed in the building for lunch to work on a paper I need to finish, and then finally got home and jogged for a few miles before doing some more school reading before bed.

If this sounds anything like the Andy you have long known, then you have a much higher estimation of me that I thought.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Footie withdrawal

I'm far from the world's biggest football fan, but Brian, Gregg, and Mandy love them some of the oblong leather-based game. If you are finding yourself missing the NFL, or if you are interested in some keen football blogging, give the Kissing Suzy Kolber blog a spin. Here is an example of the goodness contained therein:
That blog name, by the by, is inspired by what was perhaps the most entertaining thing to happen during Monday Night Football in decades:

Wedding fever

Approximately two years after I graduated high school, I remember seeing a rash of marriage announcements in the newspapers for people I knew from school. Now, years later, this summer has seen a similar boom in weddings, with both Dominic and Adam joining the married team. Kudos to both of you, I wish you all the best, in every sense of the word.

Speaking of the "best" in marital matters, I sincerely hope that cakes will be furnished by Mike, from Washington's Mike's Amazing Cakes. These things are dizzyingly superb, and if I wasn't having so much trouble capturing some images to post here, I would give you some examples; still, please click through the link to see his gallery. Wonderful.