The new style
Over the last few weeks I've noticed that I've been trying to accomplish (if that's the word for the modest actions I've been doing) things I've never tried before. Minor things all, I've still been trying to knock down a few things on life's "t0 d0" list. The first was about two weeks ago when, after having a glass of white wine with some dinner I cooked, I placed the remainder in the cooler. Two days and no more glasses of wine later I noticed that I still had about 3/4 of the bottle left, and since wine should be consumed within about two days of being opened, I decided the time was ripe to get drunk by myself for the first time in my life.
I'm not entirely sure what motivated me, actually. Perhaps it was curiosity about the life of an alcoholic. I like to think it was a moment of decision for me; I sort of figure that I'm the "Dan Marino of my generation" when it comes to love, so it is pretty much a given I'll spend the rest of my life alone, but will I do it sober or drunk? And so I decided to get drunk for only the second time in the last five months, and the first time in my life by myself.
So, how was it? Terribly banal, I'm afraid. I spent my time watching "Firefly" on DVD, and I found that if you are sitting still in a dark room, it is pretty hard to tell if you are drunk or not. Without wobbling around while standing or seeing blurry things around you, it is actually not that different. Only when I was making goo-goo noises at the cat right before I went to bed did I realize I was a bit drunk.
The second item on the agenda was to wash my car at night, and I mainly did this because I was driving to Portland early the next day and wanted a clean car to reduce wind resistance on the road. I quickly realized my enterprise was folly when I sprayed my car with the washing wand and the water immediately froze into a lovely sheet of ice on my car. Brilliant. It wasn't until later the next day that all the ice finally melted off my side mirrors after my attempt to wash my car in sub-freezing temperatures.
The third thing will hopefully come about tomorrow, when I attempt to buy one move ticket and see two or three movies on it. There are quite a few movies I've been wanting to see that aren't playing near me in Idaho, so it is time for me to knock them down as cheaply as possible. With any luck the 17 year old ushers won't cotton on to my ploy and call the cops.
Wish me luck!